Sunday, March 6, 2011

Parent Talk Discusses Universal Pre-K With Community and Youth Advocate Nakia Troi Ngwala

Nakia Troi Ngwala's advocacy began more than a decade ago while she held various corporate positions throughout the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area. In 2004, out of inspiration from the birth of her first son, Mrs. Ngwala became a full-time parent, full-time community advocate and organizer, and youth advocate and has been actively engaged in promoting unity, social justice and equality in her community of Springdale and in Prince George’s County, Maryland ever since. In September 2008, when Mrs. Ngwala learned that her 4 year-old son was not eligible to participate in the public preschool program in Prince George’s County because of the county’s income requirements, she immediately became a Universal Pre-K/Preschool for All advocate. Since then, as a constituent in Prince George’s County, she has written letters, and has called and continues to call on elected officials to inform and encourage involvement from the county on the importance of early childhood education for all young children in Prince George’s County. In November 2008, she was a contributor in the Universal Pre-K Fact Finding Meeting with the Prince George’s County Public School’s Board of Education to examine national, state, and local data regarding Universal Pre-K and to determine if there was a need to establish a Prince George’s County Universal Pre-K Task Force

iCollege Tour Series Talks To Dr. Troy Paino, President Of Truman State University

Dr. Troy D. Paino began his duties as the sixteenth President of Truman State University on May 10, 2010, and serves as the chief executive officer and principal spokesperson for the University.

Prior to becoming President, Dr. Paino served since 2008 as Truman's Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. In this leadership position he served as a senior member of the president's cabinet and as chief academic officer for the University.

Dr. Paino served as the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Winona State University (Minnesota) from 2004 to 2008. He began his career at Winona State University in 1997 as an Assistant Professor of History. He was promoted to the rank of Professor in 2007.

Dr. Paino received his Juris Doctorate from Indiana University School of Law. Prior to arriving at Winona, he worked as a lawyer in Indianapolis.

Dr. Paino also has a Ph.D. and a Master of Arts degree in American Studies from Michigan State University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and philosophy from Evangel University in Springfield, Missouri. His teaching and scholarly interests include 20th-century cultural and social history and American legal history. He has written extensively on the history of American sport, and in 2008 published his book, "The Social History of the United States: 1960s."

Dr. Paino is a member of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) Committee on Professional Development and the AASCU New Presidents' Academy Advisory Committee. He is also a member of the Rotary Club of Kirksville and the First United Methodist Church. He and his wife Kelly have two daughters, Sophia and Chloe.
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