Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Parental Engagement: A Five Part Discussion With Five School Based Professionals

Written by
Michael A. Robinson

Education: The Natural Bridge (ETNB) has long understood the important role parents play in the academic success of their children. Research has shown engaged parents impact the way children think about education. Thus suggesting when parents put emphasis on education the children follow.

In a ground breaking discussion over the next several weeks ETNB will closely examine the aspects of parental engagement, by discussing the pros and cons associated with increase parental engagement in public schools. During this time we will interview a panel of fathers/significant male role models, teachers, and counselors to obtain their views and opinions regarding parental engagement.

We began our journey with a five part discussion with several school based professionals of one of Maryland’s largest school districts. Each participant has the responsibility of developing programs and services aimed to increase the level of parent participation in their assigned schools.

How do you define parental engagement as it relates to education?

Jason: Parental engagement is when parents actively participate in the educational process. Parents who contribute to school policy and decision making through organizations like SPMT and school PTA, as well as parents who support fundraisers, parent workshops, parent teacher conferences, and school events.

Vanessa: Parental engagement as it relates to education is simply a parent or guardian’s involvement in what their child is being taught, how they are learning, and being an integral part of the decision making and process of the goal to have their child successfully graduate from high school.

Jose: Parental engagement in education can be defined as the active participation of parents in the affairs of the school and its community. When the parents are actively involved in the school the benefit accrues to the home/school/community partners and to their children in their educational endeavors.

Leydin: Being a parent and raising a child should not be difficult. Unfortunately, educating a child in today's society is a challenge, therefore parents must get involved in their children's education so in this way they can learn how and what kind of resources they should provide for their kids to perform to their full potential.

Luz: Parent engagement is the participation of parents in every facet of their children’s education. Parents are the primary educator. When parents are engaged, it makes a big difference in the children’s education and life.

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