The WeSupport organization developed a list of important resources for military families, Education: The Natural Bridge has shared a few. For information on how to support military families, please click on the link http://www.wesupport.ca.gov/resources.html
American Legion Auxiliary http://www.legion-aux.org/The American Legion Auxiliary is the world’s largest women’s patriotic service organization with nearly 1 million members in 10,100 communities. Auxiliary members are a unique group of women, joined in the fellowship of volunteerism, patriotism and dedication to veterans, young people and communities.
America Supports You http://www.americasupportsyou.mil/ A Department of Defense program that connects individuals, organizations and companies to homefront groups offering support to the military community and their families including writing letters and e-mails, sending care packages, offering scholarships and helping the wounded.
American Red Cross – Holiday Mail for Heroes www.redcross.org/holidaymail In partnership with Pitney Bowes, the American Red Cross is encouraging others to send a touch of home to the real heroes of America and their families. Together they will collect, sort and distribute holiday cards to service members, veterans and their families during the holiday season.
Bob Woodruff Family Foundation http://www.remind.org/ The Foundation raises public awareness about traumatic brain injury and combat stress by working with private industry and government to develop excellence in prevention, diagnosis, treatment, support and resources. It ensures that soldiers and their families have access to a lifetime of treatment, education and employment opportunities to help them reintegrate back into their communities.
California Department of Veterans Affairs http://www.cdva.ca.gov/ The mission of the California Department of Veterans Affairs is to serve California’s veterans and their families. Specifically support veterans and their families with aid and assistance in presenting their claims for veterans’ benefits under the laws of the United States; to provide them with beneficial opportunities through direct low-cost loans to acquire farms and homes; and to provide the state’s aged or disabled veterans with rehabilitative, residential, and medical care and services in a home-like environment at the California Veterans Homes.
California National Guard www.calguard.ca.gov/readyfamilies The California National Guard Family Assistance Network provides military families with rosters of civilian, government and military agencies that can help deal with issues related to active duty.
Cell Phones for Soldiers http://www.cellphonesforsoldiers.com/ Cell Phones for Soldiers is a non-profit organizations which turns old donated cell-phones into prepaid calling cards.
Center for Women Veterans www.va.gov/womenvet The mission of the Canter for Women Veterans is to review Veteran Affairs programs and services for women veterans, and ensure that they receive benefits and services without discrimination.
The Coming Home Project http://www.cominghomeproject.net/ A non-profit organization devoted to providing compassionate care, support and stress management tools for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, their families and their service providers. The Coming Home Project is a multi-disciplinary team of veterans, psychotherapists and interfaith leaders committed to helping transform the wound of war by addressing the emotional, spiritual and relationship challenges faced by veterans and families before, during and after deployment.
Defenders of Freedom – CA http://www.defendersoffreedom-ca.us/ A 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization which raises money to support troops who are currently deployed around the world. The organization unites family members, raises community involvement, supports wounded soldiers, sends care packages and provides welcome home celebrations at airports.
Fallen Patriot Fund http://www.fallenpatriotfund.org/ Dedicated to ensuring that casualty families have support resources available such as death benefits, pension funds, child support, military housing and store access.
Fisher House Program http://www.fisherhouse.org/A private-public partnership that supports America’s military by providing “a home away from home” for family members whose loved one has been hospitalized. There are currently 32 houses on every major military medical center and several VA medical centers. The program supports families as they work through incredible challenges.
Friday Night Live http://www.fridaynightlive.org/ The Friday Night Live Program has a close working relationship with the California National Guard Drug Demand Reduction program and welcomes the children of military families to participate in their youth development programs which provide incredible mentoring opportunities.
Give an Hour – Give Help/ Give Hope http://www.giveanhour.org/ A non-profit network of volunteer mental health professionals who provide free therapy (both in person and via telephone) to service members and their families affected by operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Homes For Heroes http://www.homesforheroes.com/ The Homes for Heroes program provides extraordinary savings to local heroes who provide services to their community every day. A percentage of the homes will be marketed to disabled veterans and their families or surviving families of soldiers killed in action
Homes For Heroes Foundation http://www.homesforheroesfoundation.org/ The purpose of the Homes For Heroes Foundation is to provide and/or coordinate financial assistance and housing resources to the Heroes of our nation such as military personnel, police/peace officers, firefighters and first responders who are in need.
Homes For Our Troops http://www.homesforourtroops.org/ The mission is to build specifically adapted homes for severely disabled soldiers and their families. The organizations is a non-profit which uses monetary and building material donations to help families of disabled American heroes in addition to soliciting trades people to donate their labor.
Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund http://www.semperfifund.org/ A non-profit organization which provides financial assistance to wounded heroes and their families. This assistance helps to defray costs related to hospitalization, rehabilitation, purchase of specialized equipment, transportation and home modifications.
Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund http://www.fallenheroesfund.org/ The Fund provides unrestricted grants to the families of military personnel who have given their lives in defense of our country. The non-profit Fund is supported entirely by donations – 100% of contributions from the public for this effort go to support military families.
Kids Serve 2 http://www.saluteourservices.org/ A program which provides resources that support military children – because when parents serve in the military, their Kids Serve 2. The mission is to honor, support and thank military children by fostering awareness and appreciation about the sacrifices and challenges they face.
Marine Corps Family Team Building www.mccsmiramar.com/MCFTB_INDEX.htmlThe mission of the Marine Corps Family Team Building program is to prepare families through education resources and services to foster personal growth so that they can successfully meet the challenges of the military lifestyle.
Military Child Education Coalition http://www.militarychild.org/A non-profit, world-wide organization that identifies the challenges that face the highly mobile military child, increases awareness of these challenges and initiates and implements programs to meet these challenges.
Military.com http://www.military.com/ Connects servicemembers, military families and veterans to all the benefits of service – government benefits, scholarships, career opportunities, discounts, lifelong friends, mentors, great stories of military life or missions, and much more.
Military Connection http://www.militaryconnection.com/ The Connection provides information on government jobs, military schools, military loans and military pay. The resource directory features information on military education and benefits including the GI Bill, employment opportunities, military job postings, pay charts and salary calculators.
Military One Source http://www.militaryonesource.com/ 24/7 resources for military members, spouses and families.
Military HOMEFRONT http://www.militaryhomefront.dod.mil/ The official Department of Defense website for reliable Quality of Life information designed to help troops and their families, leaders and service providers.
The Military Spouse Resource Center http://www.milspouse.org/ The Center is designed to assist the spouses of U.S. military personnel and is jointly sponsored by the Department of Defense and the Department of Labor. It provides easy access to information, resources and opportunities related to education, training and employment for military spouses.
My Army Benefits http://www.myarmybenefits.us.army.mil/ The My Army Benefits website serves the Regular Army, Army National Guard, Army Reserve, family members and retirees. The site also allows you to find your eligibility, research the details of your benefits and find locations where benefits services are provided.
National Military Family Association http://www.nmfa.org/ The Association educates and provides resources to military families concerning their rights and benefits. The site also features information on Operation Purple, a free summer camp in partnership with the Sierra Club that brings together youth who are experiencing deployment of a parent.
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society http://www.nmcrs.org/ The Society is a non-profit charitable organization which provides a variety of services in order for Naval personnel to achieve financial self-sufficiency and find solutions to emergency needs.
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