The Journey Begins Internet Radio for the engaged parent and dedicated educator presents a timely discussion about bullying with Dr. Marlene Snyder.
Marlene Snyder is the Director of Development for the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program in the United States, as well as an OBPP Program Director. She is the national point of contact for Olweus program information, and is a research associate professor at the Institute of Family and Neighborhood Life at Clemson University.
Dr. Snyder consults regularly with a wide variety of professional and community organizations on a range of topics related to bullying prevention and intervention. She is the founding president of the International Bullying Prevention Association. Dr. Snyder has served as a national and international conference speaker, trainer, and technical assistance consultant for educational, mental health, child welfare, and juvenile justice agencies, as well as parent education organizations.
In addition to co-authoring the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Schoolwide and Teacher Guides (and accompanying CD-ROMs and DVDs), and the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Class Meetings and Individual Interventions: A How-To Guide and DVDs, Dr. Snyder authored a book entitled ADHD & Driving: A Guide for Parents of Teens with ADHD.
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